Thursday, 27 September 2012

This is me with some freak chick who I for some reason call my best friend. I don't know what I've gotten myself into, I'll probably end up going crazy and owning 101 cats. But I'm glad I have gotten myself into this weird, freak girl's life. As you can see, we both look awful in this picture, as per usual.
I absolutely love this picture. This is John Bonham (Led Zeppelin's drummer), one of the greatest drummers of all time. The really amazing part is, he started playing drums at age 5 without lessons. He just taught himself, and ended up in one of the most famous bands in history. I LOVE THIS MAN.

Countdown #2

My second countdown is days until the Carrie Underwood concert in Saskatoon! Two of my best friends and I are going, and I'm just pumped. It's going to be so much fun!

Countdown #1

My first countdown as you can see, it until me and my friend go to Alberta for the CTCPA (Canadian Team Cattle Penning Association) Canadian National Finals. It's our first year going, so we're both really nervous, but extremely excited!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

'The Freaks' Movie Trailer

This is a movie trailer I made using iMovie on my computer. It's about all the crazy times we had in grade 8 at Rivier!! I and everyone who was there finds it hilarious. Enjoy :)

Country Tracks

This is a picture of the railroad tracks near my house. One evening, my friend was driving us to my house to hang out. When we stopped to check for a train, we saw this and thought it was beautiful. We were both kind of inspired even. We both decided to take a picture on our phones. It's a good thing no trains were near, since we were basically parked right in the middle of the tracks... Hahaha

Country Sunrise

This is a picture of the sun rising at about 5:30am. I woke up before my alarm one day, and decided to look out my window. I saw this scene, and decided it needed to be captured on camera. There are always so many beautiful scenes out by my house, that's the big difference between city life and country life. The country is just so beautiful.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Team Penning Buckle

This is a picture of my buckle I won last year. At our Team Penning 
club in Prince Albert, we have high point awards at the end of every
season; one for youth, and one for adult. I won the youth buckle, with
only 5 cows short of the winner of the adult high point award. I edited 
this picture and blurred out everything except the engraved text so
that you can tell what the buckle is for, and to make sure that Team
Penning is the main attraction of the photo.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Monday, 17 September 2012

k so.. yeah. this is my blog. enjoy it while it lasts.